Upcoming Events

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Ce sont des activités et formation pour la promotion de la culture Métis.

Que ce soit la pratique de canot, raquette, excursion, cueillette, orientation.

Chasse, pêche, trappage, cuisine traditionnelle, artisanat, couture, tannage.

Partage de connaissances entre Clans de familles ect.


Activités et Formation

  • En raison de la Covid-19 nos activité sons réduite au minimum.
  • Ils se tienne en général les samedis en après-midi 13H30.


Formation de petit groupe.

  • Apprentissage (orientation, boussole, cartes, GPS)
  • Affutages (couteau, hache)
  • Construction d’abrit (naturel, tente)
  • Préparation et cuisson de la bannic
  • Excursion en forest avec instructeur
  • Passage de coureur des bois à instructeur.

Please fill out this application form by clicking here

You must provide:

  • the application form signed (above)
  • your birth or baptismal certificate with name of parents (a copy)
  • a color picture
  • your complete genealogical proofs* 
  • pay the fees using this form

*If you do not have full genealogical proofs just fill the chart to the best of your knowledge with parent and grandparents names, place and year of marriage and birth if possible. We will supply your genealogy if we have it in our large inventory, all free of charge. If we cannot provide we will have to add fees for the research.

The cost of application is 110.00$ (administrative and membership fees for 2 years). Upon renewal it will cost you 60$ for the next 2 years.

Please make your payment with a money order made to the order of Aboriginal Community of Maniwaki.


Please take note, that we also accept money order, check or certified check
made to the order of Aboriginal Community of Maniwaki.
